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Date Ideas: 6 Fun Things to Do on a Date With an Escort
Posted 6 years ago, by Admin

Impulse247 Blog: Date Ideas: 6 Fun Things to Do on a Date With an Escort

Date Ideas: 6 Fun Things to Do on a Date With an Escort

If you're struggling to come up with date ideas for your night out with an escort, then you've come to the right place. Here are some tips.

Your escort is bored of the same date over and over. Drinks, restaurant, then late-night activities. There's nothing wrong with some libations or a nice dinner, but why not mix it up?

You don't have to completely reinvent the wheel. Most of the ideas on this list are variations on the classic date structure. Mixing up your date ideas is something kind you can do for your escort and will make you stand out in her memory.

Make sure you're kind and courteous like you'd be on any date. If you're planning something like a hike or a walk, make sure you let her know in advance.

Read on for detailed ideas.

1. Shopping for a Date Outfit

If your budget allows for it, every girl wants to be taken shopping and have someone else foot the bill. Let your date know that you're going to take her shopping and treat her to something to wear.

Where you take her determines how much you spend. Harolds is one thing, Primark is another. Skip Tesco, that's just bad form.

Make sure that you let her know what you're thinking. Saying something like, "I thought we could go get a nice dress and a pair of shoes" lets her know you're not doing earrings, necklaces, and warmth accessories.

No matter what, she'll feel like a princess. Just play the part and ooh/ahh when she comes out of the dressing room to show you a potential outfit. It takes two to tango (even if you know nothing about fashion).

2. See a Show

There are plenty of shows in London on any given night. Maybe you can't get tickets to Hamilton or Matilda at the last minute, but why not see something small scale?

Being the first to see a show or seeing one that deserved more attention is fun. Then you both can tell your friends all about it and act like a PR guide.

No matter if the tickets were 400 or 49 each, dress to impress. If you're overdressed, oh well. Oscar Wilde said, "You can never be overdressed or overeducated".

Catch some dinner after the show, though it's likely to go late. If you think you'll get hungry during the show, try meeting for drinks and a few bites before the curtain.

It's always nice to plan an activity before dinner, so even if you feel nervous, you have something you know you can talk about.

3. Do a Wine Tasting

Many bars and nice pubs have a wine tasting night once a month or so. Find out which night and bring your date.

You two can learn about the wines and get a bit buzzed, usually for an inclusive price. It's a classy activity and you may actually learn something.

If there weren't enough appetizers at the wine tasting, keep the theme going and find a French restaurant. They may not be our country's favorite people, but they sure can cook!

You could always take a quick flight to Paris and do it there - but we'll leave that up to you, big spender!

4. Take a Dance Class

Another movement before dinner activity that will have you both laughing is a couple dance class. Salsa, tango, Polka - whatever you're interested in. Tell your date to bring their dancing shoes and get ready to feel silly.

Feeling silly is okay, you two will bond over learning something new and maybe even struggling to learn it. You'll get to hold her in your arms and she'll dream about what happens later.

Get some dinner after and then invite her over to practice the dance at your place - or don't, it's up to you (and her, obviously).

5. Pretend You're Tourists

How long have you lived in London? Have you ever done the quintessential London things? The Eye, the tower, etc?

Well, probably not in a while at least. Practice your American accent and take your date on a silly sightseeing tour. You can do all the tourist things and make jokes about America - or whatever country you're pretending from.

Just make sure it's not your date's country of origin, that'd be embarrassing. End the night in the cheesiest pub you can find or opt for good old American McDonalds.

6. Take a Walking Tour

There are plenty of things you'd never know about London, even if you're a Londoner. One of the ways to learn them is to take a guided walking tour. Most don't cost anything more than the tip or a small registration fee.

You may realize you walk past the place where the Queen gets her shoes made every day - or something a little less quaint. There are ghost tours where you can learn some of London's grizzliest stories.

Make sure you let your date know to bring her walking shoes on this one. You may meet some cool people on your tour too, but ask your date before you invite them with you two to dinner after.

Other Date Ideas With Your Escort

An escort is just like any other woman. They like doing something different once in a while and love to feel special. If you follow these date ideas, you'll hit both nails on the head.

The happier she is on your date, the more willing she'll be to go out with you in the future. You never know what will happen!

So take these date ideas and pick a beautiful date to take with you - browse our choices, like Coco, here.

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