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Escort Etiquette: The Do's and Don'ts of Taking an Escort on a Date
Posted 6 years ago, by Admin

Impulse247 Blog: Escort Etiquette: The Do's and Don'ts of Taking an Escort on a Date

Escort Etiquette: The Do's and Don'ts of Taking an Escort on a Date

If it's your first time hiring an escort, it's natural to be unsure about what you should and shouldn't do. These escort etiquette tips can help.

Keyword(s): escort

Imagine if you could go on a date with one of the most beautiful women in the world. Now imagine she's interested in and happy to be seen with you. 

Sound good? All that's standing between that is you calling up our agency. Which of our beautiful girls would you like to spend time with?

If you want to increase the chances of your escort really liking you, follow our tips below.

Escort Etiquette 101

Want to make sure this beautiful girl likes you? Will go out with you again? Get these things straight.

1. Be on Time

An escort will plan her day around her date. That may mean anything from getting a wax, to getting her hair or nails done. She's going to be on time and you should as well.

If you say your date starts at 7 p.m., be there at 7 p.m. You may even want to be waiting downstairs or plan to arrive at 6:55 p.m. Just like any other meeting or arrangement with a friend, you need to respect the other person's time.

As well as being on time, respect your time boundaries. If you want to extend the date past what you'd planned (and paid for) that's completely up to her.

And if she says no, that doesn't mean she isn't having fun or she doesn't like you. It just means she planned her date to only last so long.

If she says yes, expect her to charge you for those extra hours. Even if you're really getting along, this is her job.

2. Do Your Research

Many of our girls have complex and complete profiles on our website. If you want to know what's on the table for each girl, make sure you study her profile.

If you don't know what a term means, you're welcome to google it or email us. Asking an escort to do something she's not willing to can cause her to leave your date and/or never go out with you again.

3. Don't Discuss Cost on the Date

If you're on your date, don't bring up money or say something cheeky like, "since I've paid for you all night." This is bad taste and will cause eavesdroppers to take too much interest.

What you're doing isn't illegal, but you need to respect your escort. Just like you wouldn't bring up your salary or someone else at a casual dinner.

If you bring her something, it's a gift. Any time you have to refer to money with your escort, call it a gift.

4. Take a Shower

Before your date, you should take a shower and groom like you would for any other date. An escort is a woman and you should treat her no differently than any other.

Shave and wash your face or at least trim your facial hair. Put on some nice clothes that fit for where you're going.

5. Bring a Gift

Flowers or a bottle of wine are a great way to start off the date. Not only is it kind, but it tells your date you thought about her in advance.

It's a good way to start on the right foot and gives you an icebreaker to start a conversation with if you're nervous. Though, you won't be nervous for very long.

Our girls are wonderful conversationalists and will put you at ease with their beauty and charm.

6. Stay Normal

The worst date an escort will go on is the kind where someone thinks they need to treat this date different than any other. Your date with your escort is just like a date with any other woman.

If you'd bring a romantic date flowers, then do so for your date with an escort. You don't have to run around and open the car door or throw your jacket over puddles if that's not usually your style.

Just treat her like you'd treat any other beautiful woman you're interested in, like a lady.

7. Avoid Probing Questions

Your escort has her own life outside of work and if she chooses to discuss it with you, then you're allowed to ask questions. But don't probe about her life with questions in general.

If she has a boyfriend, he almost always knows and is okay with her job. She is there to learn about you and spend quality time having fun, so don't grill her like Sherlock Holmes.

You'll find the conversation flows easily and asking questions she doesn't want to answer to move the conversation along won't be necessary.

8. Be a Gentleman

If you ask your escort if she'd like to go somewhere to get more comfortable, listen to her cues and answers. She will let you know when she's ready to take something upstairs.

And when/if you two are upstairs together, you need to respect her boundaries. That's why reading an escort's profile is so important. She is not paid to do anything she doesn't want to do.

9. Leave a Review

Most escort women are happy if you choose to leave them a review, but use vague terms when you do. This isn't an erotic novel or a chance for you to brag about your sexuality.

Leave her a review with words like "fun," "beautiful," or "charming." Mentioning her sexy body is fine, but leave the sordid details out. Her next client will have fun figuring those out on their own.

Your Date with An Escort

All in all, a date with an escort is a date with any woman. You want to leave a good first impression, be kind, and respect her wishes.

If you do that and set up a fun date, then you should be off to a rolling good start.

The only thing left is figuring out who to choose.

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