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There are no snakes
Posted 9 years ago, by Admin

Impulse247 Blog: There are no snakes

I have been single for 4 years now having spent the previous 6 years married to a control freak. I decided to get out when she said she was heading to Marbella with her work colleagues for a weekend away. That’s not too much of a problem but her work colleques are all male and to keep the cost down they were sharing a room.

In the 4 years that I have been single I have had 3 failed short term relationships, I’m easy going but I suppose imp probably too much of a drip as my wife puts it. I have a good job as area manager at a chain of Bookmakers. I spend 6 days out of my life in they Gym and run or cycle every morning at 6 am with out fail. I might be a drip but I got a real mans physique.

Rather than spend time in the bars trying to chat birds up I went the other simpler route, I book visiting escorts any day any time, 1 hours of fun sometimes 2 if she really hot then its goodbye baby, shut the door then I’m back on my own.

I was being sent to Gibraltar for 3 weeks in June for company meetings as this is where our head office is, free holiday as for as I was concerned.

Here I was lying on the beach on my first weekend of when this black bird came over and started to talk to me, she was tall I would say dress size 6-8 and a DD, she was beautiful and as she was standing in front of me, I was sitting in the perfect position to stare at her camel toe, how’s this for her opening 1 liner “ Hey man I was told to go to Greece to find an Adonis yet here you are” Jesus what a confidence boost.

That night we met up for drinks and as a coincidence were both staying at the same hotel, she was taking 6 months off on a world tour and Gibraltar was her first stop, she wanted to see the Monkeys at the top of the rock. Conversation and drinks flowing the night flew by and we heard them fatal words when your having fun. Drinks up were closing.

We started walking back chatting as we knew each other for years when all of a sudden she dragged me into a shop doorway and started to kiss me, deep tongue action, I must admit she took me by surprise then she started to tongue me ear, never had that before, it was not long before she had her hand rubbing my shorts over my cock. She was whispering to me Let me see your Anaconda; I want your Anaconda, what the fuck! My Anaconda, this is not good.

I told her if she was referring to my cock then she going to be a bit a disappointed as there defo no Anaconda down there, unfortunately I might have the body of Adonis but I was at the back of the queue when they were handing out cocks. It seems that women automatically expect me to be hung like John Holmes just because of my muscles and my six pack. I think I killed the moment.

We headed back in a sort of silence but still holing hands, She was on floor 8 and I was on floor 3, I told her my room number was 333 I was never going to forget that. We had a kiss in the lift then I got out, she said she would see me tomorrow and that was that.

I got undressed got into bed and started to search for visiting escorts in Gibraltar when my hotel phone rang, it was Denise she said I’m lying on my bed naked, legs wide open and fanny dripping with juices, I want you, I want you now.

Dressing gown on up to her room and there she was as described, I jumped on the bed and I found myself suddenly inside her fucking for England and it was good. Our session lasted for 2 hours and she was a right dirty fucker, anything and everything.

The following morning at breakfast she told me she was checking out and heading to Barcelona that was a real shame since I found my self a great fuckpiece. We never exchanged numbers and said our Goodbyes and that was that. Good result on my behalf.

When I got home the first thing I done was to book an escort, this time I went for Black girls and I wasn’t disappointed, three months down the line sitting waiting for the door bell waiting for my new £125 per hour conquest I started to feel the need for love and affection, I was ready to started a new a relationship so I reached for my phone to cancel my visiting escort from impulse247 when the doorbell rang. Fuck it one more time I suppose.

The Shock on my face, I was speechless, jaw hung open and eyes in shock. Denise was standing in front of me .She looked amazing but I just couldn't work out how she found me, tracked me down and what was she doing here, I had an escort due to arrive any minute how embarrassing would that be

She broke the awkward silence. Hi Simon my name is Sapphire "You better get that Anaconda out I need a fucking a real good fucking"

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